Why We Do What We Do

(Published on Facebook on May 7, 2020)

I have always been fascinated with people and why they do what they do. What motivates them? Why do they react certain ways, especially during a crisis?

I am a True Colors facilitator, which is someone who helps organizational teams work better together so they can be more productive. I accomplish this by using the True Colors personality model. The model is based on the long believed concept of 4 distinct personality types that goes all the way back to Hippocrates. True Colors labels these types Gold, Green, Blue and Orange. For Myers-Brigg’s followers it would be Gold (SJ), Green (NT), Blue (NF) and Orange (SP).

The Gold personality is well-organized, detailed, service oriented, punctual, predictable, loyal and responsible. They strive for a sense of security, value order, believe in policies/procedures and like to be prepared. Core value = responsibility. Percent of the global population: 35%

The Green personality is intellectual, conceptual, analytical, competent, collected/calm and independent. They seek information, cast visions, explore all facets, and think globally. Core value = competency. Percent of the population: 23%

The Blue personality is relational, emotional, optimistic, harmonious, imaginative and sensitive. They care for others, bring people together, discern well and want to be cooperative. Core value = relationship. Percent of the population: 15%

The Orange personality is action-oriented, competitive, quick witted, entertaining, and impulsive. They take risks, like variety, want to solve problems quickly and question the status quo. Core value = freedom. Percent of the population: 27%

During my True Colors sessions, I would sometimes give a scenario of a problem and how each personality type responds. For example,

There is a seminar taking place in a room full of people. Suddenly, a light fixture from the ceiling drops to the ground. How do the different color types respond? The majority will make sure no one is physically hurt, then…

Golds will begin to organize people, make lists, find forms or look for protocol to follow.

Greens will begin to examine the light and try to figure out how it could possibly have fallen so it doesn’t happen again.

Blues will begin to ask if everyone is alright and help those who are emotionally upset.

Oranges will begin to remove the obstacle, the light, that has disrupted the meeting and then encourage the speaker to keep going.

As you can see, each type has responded out of their core values and strengths. Their responses were different but it doesn’t make those responses wrong. What would make this situation wrong, is when we start judging others because they didn’t respond like ourselves. The Blues could have judged the Greens, saying they don’t care about the people because they didn’t check to see if they were ok. The Golds could have judged the Oranges for their impulsive need to move the light out quickly without going through proper protocol.

God has created us differently. Why?

Maybe because he knows that we can’t be all things to all people. That is His job.

We are too flawed and imperfect. But together, united, we can meet the various needs that arise because we have individuals who are uniquely designed for that particular job.

Knowing this, maybe we can start appreciating our differences or at least start to understand them. I know I’m grateful for the Blues who are always looking for ways to care for people. I’m grateful for the Greens who are always trying to find ways to make things work better. I’m grateful for the Golds who try to keep order in our chaotic world. I’m grateful for the Oranges who are willing to take action on a matter.

Most are trying to make our world a better place…it just looks differently.

Published by srhylton

I am a mom of two who loves to read, scrapbook and play mahjong. I am a high blue in True Colors and an Enneagram 9. But most importantly I love Jesus with all of my heart and hope to share my passion for transformation with all.

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