Defying Nature

Many moons ago, before children, I got a chance to go with a group of women to a house in Mexico for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. The best part of this house was being able to walk out the front door onto the beach. I found myself quite often walking along the water’s edge, theContinue reading “Defying Nature”

Reclaiming Ezer – The Fall

Cinderella was chosen by Prince Charming and lived happily ever after. Sleeping Beauty and Snow White were both awakened by a man’s kiss. Ariel changed her life for Eric. And Barbie had Ken. Is it any wonder that our desire should be for our husbands?


“Can trophies be recycled?” I typed this into Google the other day. Sitting in my garage was a box of trophies from my childhood. For over a year now they have sat there collecting dust, waiting for me to decide their fate. I finally did it today. I parted ways with them. And as IContinue reading “Trophies”

Reclaiming Ezer – Purpose

“Yes he is here.” Those words seared through my heart and fear took over my body. “Is he ok?” “Yes, he will be…” That was all I needed to hear at the moment. I figured out where my husband was and that he was alive. I rushed to the hospital to find a pretty bangedContinue reading “Reclaiming Ezer – Purpose”

Reclaiming Ezer Kenegdo

Mother’s Day, a day of celebration. A day to celebrate the unique qualities of a mother. For me, this one particular Mother’s Day, I would have to use a God-given quality to keep the peace in our house. A quality that is unique to women, and that has, for centuries, been suppressed, demonized and rejected.Continue reading “Reclaiming Ezer Kenegdo”

Reclaiming Ezer

Have you ever allowed a belief to guide your life but at it’s core it didn’t sit right with you, yet you took it on as truth because everyone else around you believed in it? Allow me to elaborate… “If you are a wife, you were created to fill a need, and in that capacityContinue reading “Reclaiming Ezer”


I wouldn’t call myself a gardener. In fact I’m horrible at keeping green things alive, except maybe my aloe plant. One day when I was tending to my hydrangeas, the only other plant I have managed to keep alive, my neighbor, who is uber talented with all things green, came over and pointed out aContinue reading “Entangled”

My Blankie, My Comfort

When I was young I had a big, white, and soooo soft “blankie.” However, it was only at my Grandmother’s house when I would visit. It was my comfort while I was there. But one day I came for a visit, and my blankie turned into a big, yellow, and not so soft blankie. WhatContinue reading “My Blankie, My Comfort”