Defying Nature

Many moons ago, before children, I got a chance to go with a group of women to a house in Mexico for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. The best part of this house was being able to walk out the front door onto the beach. I found myself quite often walking along the water’s edge, theContinue reading “Defying Nature”

Rotten Fruit

One day on the school bus, sometime in my kindergarten year, I sat in the coveted front seat. A fellow classmate tried to sit next to me but I wouldn’t let her, sticking out my tongue and angrily scooting to the edge so she couldn’t get by me. Another day, my great-grandmother tried to changeContinue reading “Rotten Fruit”

The Seen and Unseen

As I scroll through Facebook or Instagram, I will come upon many memes like the one below. Some of the other memes say, “We need to look where we are going, not where we’ve been” “Our past is in the past. Let it stay there!” “Leave the past in the past.” And people respond, “Amen!”